Want to increase laptop battery life? don’t make this mistake

Want to increase laptop battery life? don't make this mistake

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To increase your battery life, you must attend to something. Most laptops in the market feature lithium-ion batteries.

Avoid Continuous Charging Overcharging harms the battery.

Opt for Partial Charges Charge up to 80% to prevent damage.

Allow Partial Discharges Let the battery drain before recharging.

Adjust Power Settings Lower brightness and disable unnecessary processes to save energy.

Keep Laptop Cool Clear dust from vents to prevent overheating.

Implementing these practices maximizes battery lifespan and boosts usage between charges. By avoiding continuous charging, opting for partial charges, allowing partial discharges, adjusting power settings, and keeping your laptop cool, you ensure optimal battery performance.

These simple steps contribute to longer battery life and improved efficiency, ultimately enhancing your laptop experience.