How to use chat filter on WhatsApp?

How to use chat filter on WhatsApp?

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WhatsApp, a messaging app owned by Meta, recently launched the Chat Filters feature. This new feature assists WhatsApp users in quickly finding the message they are looking for from many messages in the inbox. Additionally, it aids users in organizing their chats.

To use chat filters on WhatsApp, follow these simple steps:

1. Open WhatsApp on your device.
2. Navigate to the chat screen where you want to apply the filter.
3. Look for the filter icon, usually located near the top or bottom of the screen.
4. Tap on the filter icon to access the filter options.
5. Choose the filter you want to apply from the available options.
6. Once you’ve selected a filter, it will be applied to the chat, making it easier to find specific messages or conversations.
7. You can also adjust or remove the filter as needed by tapping on the filter icon again.

By using chat filters, you can organize and streamline your conversations on WhatsApp for a more efficient messaging experience.